Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Kratos is a Spartan army captain who rose rapidly career. At first he only has 50 troops under his command, then that number grow into the thousands of troops. After becoming a general, he won many battles. At that time he also gain a lot of booty and treasure on his journey to become a troop jederal Sparta.

With his experience in war, Kratos became a brutal man and thirst for war. Only his wife, who dared to ask the motives and goals, but he answered that it was all for the glory of the Spartans. Then his wife deny Kratos, and he said that Kratos did it for the sake of ambition Kratos himself in his penchant for war.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Egyptian Sphinx

 A great symbol of Ancient Egypt is the Sphinx. A magnificent monument carved out of living rock, sits outstandingly in the Giza Plateau.

It is a carving of the body of a lion with a head of a king or god, symbolizing strength and wisdom. It is 200 feet long and 65 feet high with paws being 50 feet long.
The body of the sphinx was buried in the desert sand for thousands of years and only in 1905, about a century ago, the sands has been cleared away from it. Thus, the sphinx has several layers of erosion, those that are horizontal are due to sand and stone, while some are vertical due to water (probably rain) erosion.

It is believed that the sphinx was built by king Khafre (Chephren 2558-2532B.C.) who was one of he 4th Dynasty kings and whom the 2nd pyramid of Giza was built for him.